Local Reconnaissance Linux
Bash History
Check the current user's bash history
Check every user's bash history after escalating to the root
Could be in other name such as bob.key
/home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa could be Alice's private key
known_host (Which you can access)
Servers that the current user's private key can access. Could be hashed
Clients have been connected to this server as the current user
Credential in config/text files
Config file of web app
Credential reuse
Stored Credentials in table
Credential reuse
sudo -l
SSH control master
A ->B: A has a session on B, piggybacking A's access to B
Any socket file like kevin@web03:22 in /home/kevin/.ssh/controlmaster
ssh kevin@web03
If logged in as root
ssh -S /home/alice/.ssh/controlmaster\@alice@web03\:22 alice@web03
SSH Agent Forwarding
A -> B -> C: A has a session on B, and A's private key can access to both B and C
On B to access C
Normal user
Privileged User
ccache file
Contain request Kerberos tickets
Convert ccache to kirbi file
It can be used for Kerberos authentication
keytab file
Contain Kerberos principle name and encrypted keys
Hidden cronjobs (Could contain credentials)
Enumerate domain on Linux
Make use of keytab and ccache file
Last updated